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The Mid County Senior Center’s Lavender Ladies are having an annual lavender wand class from 10 a.m. to noon June 24 and June 25 in the gazebo area of the gardens at the center, 829 Bay Ave., Capitola. Attendees will learn the ancient technique of building the fragment bundles. Wands are beautiful in a vase or used as a fresh scent to any room, linen closet or drawers. The cost of the class is a $20 donation to the senior center. All materials will be provided for up to two wands per person. Advanced reservations help to make sure there is a correct amount of supplies for all in the class. To make a reservation, call 831-476-4711 or email mcsc4treasurer@ gmail.
Join neighbors at the Garden Exchange from 8-9 a.m. June 25 at the Live Oak Grange parking lot, 1900 17th Ave. in Santa Cruz. Attendees are encouraged to bring anything from their garden to give away. One need not bring something in order to receive. Anything not given away must not be left at the grange. For more information email For anytime private trades join the Facebook group Santa Cruz Garden Exchange.
Last week was California Invasive Species Action Week and by visiting one can read an illustrative article about invasive species that were brought to California and things one may do to help remedy the problem. “Humans love anything new and different, and that includes plants for their garden. In the past, when bringing plants into California from other places, people had no idea this could cause environmental problems. Whether arriving accidentally or purposely, California has become home for approximately 1,100 plant species/subspecies that did not naturally occur in the state.” The goal of the article is to increase awareness of invasive species, their negative impacts, and how you can help stop them from spreading.
Join Master Gardener and Garden Adviser from the Santa Cruz Garden Co., Loretta Heath, to learn all about citrus from 5-6:30 p.m. June 27. Now is a great time to plant a citrus bush or tree. Citrus trees are versatile additions to any garden. They can be grown in a container or in the ground and a healthy citrus tree will provide years of abundant fruit. This class will teach which varieties do best in the Monterey Bay Area, how to choose a good plant and plant it properly, whether in a container or in the ground. Also taught will be caring for and fertilizing existing citrus and protection from pests. For more information and to register for this free class, visit
Visit to pre-order olallieberries to pick up at the local Santa Cruz Farmers Market or by appointment at the farm. The olallieberry season is very short, only three weeks, so don’t miss out. From the farm newsletter, “The Olallieberry was developed by George F. Waldo in 1949 for the United States Department of Agriculture at Oregon State University. Though it was developed in Oregon, the more temperate coastal regions of California proved to be a more suitable growing region, thus it is primarily cultivated throughout Northern and Central California rural areas.”
The Garden Digest is compiled by Susan Salinger. To submit items for the calendar including events, meetings, resources, or anything garden related, email
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